Sierra Portugal, S.A. برنامه ها

GranCasa 1.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
Lugar de referencia para todos loszaragozanos, GranCasa es un centro comercial comprometido con laciudad. Con una Superficie Bruta Alquilable de 80.000 m2, cuentacon un total de 170 locales comerciales, múltiples salas de cine,zona de restaurantes, bolera y un amplio parking con capacidad para3.000 coches.Esta app gratuita tiene un diseño llamativo y una variedad decaracterísticas para te ayudar a que visites el GranCasa de lamanera más conveniente y útil.Esta app tiene información sobre tus tiendas favoritas, así cómoun mapa dinámico con las direcciones para que puedas facilmenteencontralas.Encuentra las nuevas tiendas y disfruta de nuestrosrestaurantes. Disfruta de los eventos innovadores diseñados paraproporcionar momentos de puro placer.Deslumbrate con todo lo que puedes encontrar en GranCasa. Esperamospor la tuya visita.Developed by: Research & Design"Landmark for allZaragoza, is a mall GranCasa committed to the city. With a grosslettable area of ​​80,000 m2, with a total of 170 shops, amultiplex cinema, food court, bowling and ample parking for 3,000cars.This free app has a striking design and a variety of features tohelp you visit the GranCasa in the most convenient and usefulway.This app has information about your favorite stores, and how adynamic map with directions to help you easily encontralas.Find new stores and enjoy our restaurants. Enjoy innovativeevents designed to provide moments of pure pleasure.Be dazzled by everything you can find in GranCasa. Hope for yoursvisit.Developed by: Research & Design "
Valle Real 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
Lugar de referencia para todos los cántabros,Valle Real es un centro comercial con la mayor oferta comercial dela región. Con una Superficie Bruta Alquilable de 47.595 m2, cuentacon un total de 97 locales comerciales, zona de restaurantes, y unamplio aparcamiento con capacidad para 2.656 coches.Esta app gratuita tiene un diseño llamativo y una variedad decaracterísticas para ayudarte a visitar Valle Real de la manera másconveniente y útil.Además, dispone de información sobre tus tiendas favoritas, asícomo un mapa dinámico para que puedas encontrarlasfácilmente.Encuentra las nuevas tiendas y conoce nuestros restaurantes.Disfruta de los eventos innovadores diseñados para proporcionarmomentos de puro placer.Deslúmbrate con todo lo que puedes encontrar en Valle Real.¡Esperamos tu visita!.Landmark for allCantabrians, Real Valle is a mall with more retail outlets in theregion. With a gross lettable area of ​​47,595 m2, with a total of97 stores, area restaurants, and ample parking for 2,656cars.This free app has a striking design and a variety of features tohelp you visit Royal Valley in the most convenient and usefulway.It also has information about your favorite stores, as well as adynamic map that you can easily find them.Find new store and meet our restaurants. Enjoy innovative eventsdesigned to provide moments of pure pleasure.Be dazzled by everything you can find on Real Valle.We hope your visit.
Centro Vasco da Gama 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
Vasco da Gama is a shopping center with uniquearchitectural features, which has at its disposal 170 stores, whichinclude 33 restaurants, 6 cinemas and a health club and stillfantastic terraces with panoramic views over the Tagus.The best fashion, decor, technology and entertainment is nowavailable wherever you go - anywhere, anytime. Always be the firstto receive the latest news, promotions and events on your favoritemall.This free app also provides you with information about yourfavorite stores such as Zara, Fnac or Area, as well as a dynamicmap with the route to find them.Find out everything you can find in Vasco da Gama. We are waitingfor your visit.
Luz del Tajo 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
Lugar de referencia para todos los toledanos,Luz del Tajo es un centro comercial con 42.000 metros2 que cuentacon un total de 116 locales comerciales, múltiples salas de cine,zona de restaurantes, y un amplio parking con capacidad para 2.100coches.Esta app gratuita tiene un diseño llamativo y una variedad decaracterísticas para ayudarte a que visites Luz del Tajo de lamanera más fácil y útil.Esta app tiene información sobre tus tiendas favoritas, así como unmapa dinámico con las direcciones para que puedas encontrarlasfácilmente.Descubre las nuevas tiendas y disfruta de nuestros restaurantes.Diviértete en los eventos innovadores diseñados para proporcionarmomentos de puro placer.Deslúmbrate con todo lo que puedes encontrar en Luz del Tajo.Esperamos tu visita.Developed by: Research & DesignLandmark for all ofToledo, Luz del Tajo is a shopping center with 42,000 metros2 whichhas a total of 116 shops, a multiplex cinema, food court and ampleparking for 2,100 cars.This free app has a striking design and a variety of features tohelp you visit Luz del Tajo of the easiest and most usefulway.This app has information about your favorite stores, as well as adynamic map with directions so you can easily find them.Discover new stores and enjoy our restaurants. Have fun ininnovative events designed to provide moments of purepleasure.Be dazzled by everything you can find in Luz del Tajo. We hope yourvisit.Developed by: Research & Design
8ª Avenida 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
O 8ª Avenida é um centro comercial com umaforte ligação com a comunidade local que dispõe de 126 lojas com omelhor em termos de compras (decoração, tecnologia, moda eentretenimento) mas também de lazer. Seja sempre o primeiro areceber as últimas novidades, promoções e eventos do seu CentroComercial favorito.Esta aplicação gratuita dispõe de um design apelativo e variadasfuncionalidades para que possa conhecer o 8ª Avenida da forma maiscómoda e útil. Disponibiliza‐lhe ainda informações sobre as suaslojas favoritas, como a C&A, a Cortefiel ou Cinemas Cineplace,bem como um mapa dinâmico com os percursos para as encontrar.Venha conhecer as novas lojas e delicie-se num dos nossosrestaurantes.Deixe o seu carro nas mãos da Midas enquanto assiste ao seu filmepreferido ou desfruta de um café na nossa esplanada. Aproveite oseventos pensados em proporcionar-lhe momentos de lazer únicos.Descubra tudo o que pode encontrar no 8ª Avenida.Ficamos a aguardar a sua visita.Desenvolvido por: Research & DesignThe 8th Avenue is ashopping center with a strong connection to the local communitywhich has 126 stores with the best in terms of shopping (decor,technology, fashion and entertainment) but also leisure. Always bethe first to receive the latest news, promotions and events on yourfavorite mall.This free application has an appealing design and lots of featuresto help you meet 8th Avenue in the most convenient and useful way.Also provides you with information about your favorite stores likeC & A, Cortefiel Cineplace or cinemas, as well as a dynamic mapwith the route to find them.Come see the new store and indulge in one of our restaurants.Leave your car in the hands of Midas while watching your favoritemovie or enjoying a coffee on our terrace. Take advantage of eventsdesigned to offer you unique moments of pleasure. Find outeverything you can find on 8th Avenue.We await your visit.Developed by: Research & Design
GuimarãeShopping 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
O GuimarãeShopping é um centro comerciallocalizado no centro de Guimarães, que oferece ao consumidor umambiente agradável, em espaços amplos e panorâmicos, 109 lojas euma acolhedora Praça de Alimentação, com ofertadiversificada.Seja sempre o primeiro a receber as últimas novidades, promoções eeventos do seu centro comercial favorito.Esta aplicação disponibiliza-lhe ainda informações sobre as suaslojas favoritas, restaurantes, parqueamento, bem como um mapadinâmico com os percursos para as encontrar.Descubra tudo o que pode encontrar no GuimarãeShopping. Ficamos aaguardar a sua visita!GuimarãeShopping is ashopping center located in the center of Guimarães, which offersconsumers a pleasant environment in spacious, panoramic spaces, 109shops and a cozy food court, with a diversified.Always be the first to receive the latest news, promotions andevents on your favorite mall.This application also provides you with information about theirfavorite shops, restaurants, parking, as well as a dynamic map withthe route to find them.Find out everything you can find on GuimarãeShopping. We await yourvisit!
Estação Viana Shopping 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
O Estação Viana Shopping é um centro comerciallocalizado em Viana do Castelo que conta com o melhor da moda,tecnologia, decoração e entretenimento e está agora disponível ondequer que vá – em qualquer lugar em qualquer momento. Seja sempre oprimeiro a receber as últimas novidades, promoções e eventos do seucentro comercial favorito.Esta aplicação disponibiliza-lhe ainda informações sobre as suaslojas favoritas, restaurantes, parqueamento, bem como um mapadinâmico com os percursos para as encontrar. Descubra tudo o quepode encontrar no Estação Viana Shopping.Ficamos a aguardar a sua visita!The Viana Station Mall isa shopping center located in Viana do Castelo which has the bestfashion, technology, decor and entertainment and is now availablewherever you go - anywhere at any time. Always be the first toreceive the latest news, promotions and events on your favoritemall.This application also provides you with information about theirfavorite shops, restaurants, parking, as well as a dynamic map withthe route to find them. Find out everything you can find in VianaShopping Season.We await your visit!
Parque Atlântico 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
Inspirado no mar que envolve os Açores, ocentro comercial conta com 95 lojas com o melhor da moda,tecnologia, decoração e entretenimento e está agora disponível ondequer que vá – em qualquer lugar em qualquer momento.Seja sempre o primeiro a receber as últimas novidades, promoções eeventos do seu centro comercial favorito.Esta aplicação disponibiliza-lhe ainda informações sobre as suaslojas favoritas, restaurantes, parqueamento, bem como um mapadinâmico com os percursos para as encontrar.Descubra tudo o que pode encontrar no Parque Atlântico. Ficamos aaguardar a sua visita!Parque Atlântico onde tudo se passa!Inspired by the sea thatsurrounds the Azores, the mall has 95 stores with the best fashion,technology, decor and entertainment and is now available whereveryou go - anywhere at any time.Always be the first to receive the latest news, promotions andevents on your favorite mall.This application also provides you with information about theirfavorite shops, restaurants, parking, as well as a dynamic map withthe route to find them.Find out everything you can find in the Atlantic Park. We awaityour visit!Atlantic Park where everything goes!
MadeiraShopping 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
MadeiraShopping is the largest commercialcenter of the island of Madeira, which has 103 Stores, 7 cinemasand 17 restaurants with spectacular panoramic views over the sea.Always be the first to receive the latest news, promotions andevents on your favorite mall.This application also provides you with information about theirfavorite shops, services, parking, as well as a dynamic map withthe route to find them. Find out everything you can findnoMadeiraShopping.We are waiting for your visit!
CascaiShopping 1.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
CascaiShopping is a shopping centre of purestyle. 202 stores with the best fashion, decor, technology andentertainment is now available wherever you go-anywhere, at anytime. Be always the first to know about the latest news, promotionsand events from your favorite shopping centre.The free of charge App has an eye-catching design and a varietyof features to help you visit CascaiShopping in the most convenientuseful way.This application offers you information about your favoritestores, such as Zara, Fnac, Area or Cinemas Zon Lusomundo, as wellas a dynamic map with directions to find them.Discover the new stores and indulge in one of our restaurants.Leave your car in the hands of Mr. Parking while watching yourfavorite movie. Enjoy the innovative events designed to providemoments of pure pleasure.Dazzle yourself with everything you can find on CascaiShopping. Welook forward to your visit.Developed by: Research & Design
LoureShopping 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
Cuidadosamente planeado e concebido, oLoureShopping conta com a presença de 117 lojas com o melhor damoda, tecnologia, decoração e entretenimento e está agoradisponível onde quer que vá – em qualquer lugar em qualquermomento. Seja sempre o primeiro a receber as últimas novidades,promoções e eventos do seu Centro Comercial favorito.Esta aplicação gratuita disponibiliza-lhe ainda informações sobreas suas lojas favoritas, restaurantes, parqueamento, bem como ummapa dinâmico com os percursos para as encontrar. Descubra tudo oque pode encontrar no LoureShopping. Ficamos a aguardar a suavisita!LoureShopping, aqui estás em familia!Carefully planned anddesigned, LoureShopping with the presence of 117 stores with thebest fashion, technology, decor and entertainment and is nowavailable wherever you go - anywhere at any time. Always be thefirst to receive the latest news, promotions and events on yourfavorite mall.This free app also provides you with information about theirfavorite shops, restaurants, parking, as well as a dynamic map withthe route to find them. Find out everything you can find onLoureShopping. We await your visit!LoureShopping here are in touch!
Max Center 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
El Centro Comercial Max Center y Max Ocionació en el año 1994 convirtiéndose en la mayor oferta comercial,ocio y restauración de todo Bizkaia.En la actualidad su arquitectura se divide en dos edificios, unidosmediante una pasarela, en los que se engloban una G.L.A. de 59.363m2 distribuida en un total de 160 locales de todo tipo (alimentación, moda, restaurantes, bolera y cines ), con 4.250plazas de aparcamiento gratuito.En esta larga trayectoria, el Centro Comercial Max Center y MaxOcio ha aportado siempre una oferta comercial amplia, variada y decalidad, en continua mejora para adaptarse a los gustos yexigencias de los clientes, así como las nuevas tendencias.Esta App es totalmente gratuita y dispone de una variedad decaracterísticas orientadas a ayudar y ser útil a los clientes delCentro Comercial Max Center y Max Ocio.La App tiene información sobre las tiendas y rótulos de loscomercios, así como un plano dinámico con las direcciones, para queel visitante las encuentre fácilmente.Además encontrarás información sobre los eventos y actividades deentretenimiento que se llevan a cabo en el Centro Comercial MaxCenter y Max Ocio.Descubre todo lo que puedes encontrar en el Centro Comercial MaxCenter y Max Ocio.Esperamos tu visita.The Center Max and MaxLeisure Mall was born in 1994 making it the largest commercialoffer entertainment and dining all Bizkaia.At present its architecture is divided into two buildings,connected by a footbridge, on which encompass a GLA of 59,363 m2distributed in a total of 160 stores of all kinds (food, fashion,restaurants, bowling and cinemas), with 4,250 free parkingspaces.In this long history, the Max and Max Entertainment Center Mall hasalways provided a wide, varied and high-quality commercial offer incontinuous improvement to suit the tastes and demands of thecustomers as well as new trends.This app is free and offers a variety of features designed to behelpful and useful to clients Mall Max and Max EntertainmentCenter.The application has information about the shops and shop signsshops and an interactive map with directions, so that visitors caneasily find them.Also find information about events and entertainment that takeplace at the Max and Max Entertainment Center Mall.Discover what you can find in the Max and Max Entertainment CenterMall.We hope your visit.
Freccia Rossa 1.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
Freccia Rossa è un centro Commerciale cheoffre numerosi tra i marchi più conosciuti di moda, elettronica,ristorazione e servizi, quali Zara, H&M, Mondadori eSupermedia.Quest'applicazione è gratuita e dispone di numerose funzionalitàche ti permetteranno di conoscere il centro in modo semplice eveloce; tra queste la funzione di ricerca negozi, la mappa con ipercorsi per raggiugerli, gli aggiornamenti su promozioni edeventi.Scopri tutto quello che puoi trovare a Freccia Rossa. Venite atrovarci numerosi!Developed by: Research & DesignRed Arrow is a commercialtown which offers many of the most popular brands for fashion,electronics, food and services, such as Zara, H & M, Mondadoriand Supermedia.This application is free and has many features that will let youknow the center in a simple and fast; these include the searchfunction stores the map with the routes for raggiugerli, updates onpromotions and events.Learn everything you can find on Red Arrow. Come visit usthere!Developed by: Research & Design
Sonae Sierra Benchmark 1.0.15
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
At Sonae Sierra we consider that knowledge iscrucial for our business. Share your benchmark experiences witheveryone, at the right moment on an easy and quick way!The benchmark app is exclusive for internal use and allows anexchange of knowledge in Sonae Sierra business areas.
Centro Dos Mares 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
El Centro Comercial del Mar Menor, el lugar deencuentro preferido para las personas que lo visitan o viven en suentorno, Dos Mares es un Centro Comercial con más de 75 tiendas yuna gran variedad de oferta de moda, servicios, las mejores salasde cine, restaurantes, bolera y un amplio parking con capacidadpara 1.250 coches.Esta nueva app gratuita, de diseño atractivo e innovador te ayudaráa que disfrutes mucho más de Dos Mares en cada visita.Nuestra app contiene información sobre tus tiendas favoritas, asícomo un mapa dinámico con las direcciones para que puedas encontrarfácilmente lo que buscas, guía de servicios, sugerencias, agenda ymucho más, ¡no podrás dejar de usarla!Descarga la nueva app de Dos Mares para que no te pierdas nada,Esperamos tu visita, nos tienes muy cerca.The Mall of the MarMenor, the favorite meeting place for people who visit or live intheir environment, Dos Mares is a shopping center with over 75shops and a variety of fashion offer, services, best rooms cinema,restaurants, bowling and ample parking for 1,250 cars.This new, free app, attractive and innovative design will help youto enjoy more from Dos Mares at each visit.Our app contains information about your favorite stores, as well asa dynamic map with directions to help you easily find what you'relooking for, guide services, tips, calendar and more, you can notstop using it!Download the new app from Dos Mares so you do not miss anything,look forward to your visit, we got very close.
GaiaShopping 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
O GaiaShopping é um centro comercial destinadoàs famílias que dispõe de 161 Lojas com o melhor em termos decompras (decoração, tecnologia, moda e entretenimento) mas tambémde lazer. Seja sempre o primeiro a receber as últimas novidades,promoções e eventos do seu Centro Comercial favorito.Esta aplicação gratuita dispõe de um design apelativo e variadasfuncionalidades para que possa conhecer o GaiaShopping da formamais cómoda e útil. Disponibiliza‐lhe ainda informações sobre assuas lojas favoritas, como a Zara, a Fnac ou Cinemas Lusomundo, bemcomo um mapa dinâmico com os percursos para as encontrar.Venha conhecer as novas lojas e delicie-se num dos nossos 18restaurantes. Deixe o seu carro nas mãos do ProntoWash enquantoassiste ao seu filme preferido.Aproveite os eventos familiares pensados em proporcionar-lhemomentos de lazer únicos. Descubra tudo o que pode encontrar noGaiaShopping.Ficamos a aguardar a sua visita.Desenvolvido por: Research & DesignGaiaShopping is acommercial center for the families that has 161 shops with the bestin terms of purchasing (decorating, technology, fashion andentertainment) but also leisure. Always be the first to receive thelatest news, promotions and events on your favorite mall.This free application has an appealing design and lots of featuresto help you meet GaiaShopping the most convenient and useful way.Also provides you with information about your favorite stores suchas Zara, Fnac or Lusomundo Cinemas, as well as a dynamic map withthe route to find them.Come see the new store and indulge in one of our 18 restaurants.Leave your car in the hands of ProntoWash while watching yourfavorite movie.Enjoy family events designed to offer you unique moments ofpleasure. Find out everything you can find on GaiaShopping. We await your visit.Developed by: Research & Design
ArrábidaShopping 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
ArrábidaShopping é um Centro Comercial de puroestilo e lazer. 190 lojas com o melhor da moda, decoração,tecnologia, serviços e entretenimento está agora disponível ondequer que vá – em qualquer lugar, em qualquer momento. Seja sempre oprimeiro a receber as últimas novidades, promoções e eventos do seuCentro Comercial favorito.Esta aplicação gratuita dispõe de um design apelativo e variadasfuncionalidades para que possa conhecer o ArrábidaShopping da formamais cómoda e útil. Esta aplicação disponibiliza‐lhe aindainformações sobre as suas lojas favoritas, assim como dos serviçosexistentes no centro, bem como um mapa dinâmico com os percursospara os encontrar.Venha conhecer as novas lojas, delicie-se num dos nossosrestaurantes enquanto disfruta da nossa esplanada única com vistapara o Rio Douro. Assista ao seu filme preferido numa das 20 salasde cinema do UCI Arrábida. Descubra tudo o que pode encontrar noArrábidaShopping. Ficamos a aguardar a sua visita.Desenvolvido por: Research & DesignArrábidaShopping Mall isa pure style and leisure. 190 stores with the best of fashion,decor, technology, services and entertainment is now availablewherever you go - anywhere, anytime. Always be the first to receivethe latest news, promotions and events on your favorite mall.This free application has an appealing design and lots of featuresto help you meet ArrábidaShopping the most convenient and usefulway. This application also provides you with information about yourfavorite stores, as well as existing services at the center, aswell as a dynamic map with the route to find them.Come see the new stores, indulge in one of our restaurants whileenjoying our unique terrace overlooking the Douro River. Watch yourfavorite movie in one of the 20 theaters in the UCI Arrábida. Findout everything you can find on ArrábidaShopping. We await yourvisit.Developed by: Research & Design
Loop5 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
Das LOOP5 – Ihr Lieblingseinkaufscenter fürKlein und Groß - gibt´s nun auch zum "immer dabei haben"! TragenSie die neuesten News, Promotions und Events ab sofort immer beisich. Die kostenlose App bietet ein eindrucksvolles Design undviele nützliche Funktionen, wie z.B. den Parkplatzservice, der Sienie wieder nach Ihrem Auto suchen lässt. Tauchen Sie ein in dieWelt der Fliegerei und genießen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt imlichtdurchfluteten, klimatisierten LOOP5. Die LOOP5 App bietetIhnen Infos zu Ihren Lieblingsstores und zeigt Ihnen die insgesamt175 Geschäfte auf einem übersichtlichen Lageplan mitWegbeschreibung.Das LOOP5 bietet Alles, was Shopping zu einem echten Erlebnismacht.Entwickelt von: Research & DesignThe LOOP5 - your favoriteshopping center for young and old - there's now also the "alwayswith you"! Wear the latest news, promotions and events from now onyou at all times. The free app offers an impressive design and manyuseful features, such as the park service that will make you neverlook back to your car. Immerse yourself in the world of aviationand enjoy your stay in well-lit, air-conditioned LOOP5. The LOOP5app gives you info about your favorite stores and displays thetotal of 175 shops on a clear map with directions.The LOOP5 offers everything that makes shopping into a realexperience.Developed by Research & Design
LeiriaShopping 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
O LeiriaShopping está agora disponível emqualquer lugar e a qualquer momento através de uma aplicação mobilegratuita para que seja sempre o/a primeiro/a a receber as últimasnovidades, promoções e eventos do seu Centro Comercialfavorito.Esta aplicação dispõe de um design apelativo e variadasfuncionalidades para que possa conhecer o LeiriaShopping de formacómoda e útil, disponibilizando ainda informação sobre as suaslojas preferidas. Descubra um centro comercial com característicasarquitetónicas únicas que tem ao seu dispor 119 lojas com o melhorda moda, tecnologia, decoração e entretenimento, não esquecendo osrestaurantes numa completa praça de restauração, as sete salas decinema e um hipermercado bem como, ainda, uma excelenteesplanada.Ficamos a aguardar a sua visita!LeiriaShopping is nowavailable anywhere and anytime via a free mobile application toalways o / first / yy receive the latest news, promotions andevents on your favorite mall.This application features an appealing design and lots of featuresto help you meet LeiriaShopping a convenient and useful way, evenproviding information about their favorite stores. Discover ashopping center with unique architectural features it has at itsdisposal 119 stores with the best fashion, technology, decor andentertainment, not forgetting the restaurants a full food court,the seven screen cinema and a hypermarket and also a greatterrace. We await your visit!
Hofgarten Solingen 1.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
HOFGARTEN SOLINGEN – die Einkaufswelt mittenin Solingen!Gibt´s nun auch zum "immer dabei haben"! Trage die neuestenNews, Promotions und Events aus Deinem Lieblings-Shoppingcenter absofort immer bei Dir.Die kostenlose App bietet ein eindrucksvolles und stylisches Designund viele nützliche Funktionen, wie z.B. den Parkplatzservice, derdich nie wieder nach Deinem Auto suchen lässt.Hier findest Du zudem Infos zu Deinen Lieblingsgeschäften sowieeinen Lageplan mit Wegbeschreibungen.Der HOFGARTEN SOLINGEN bietet Alles, was Shopping zu einem echtenErlebnis macht.HOFGARTEN SOLINGEN - theshopping heart of Solingen, world!There's now also the "always with you"! Carrying the latestnews, promotions and events from your favorite shopping center nowalways with you The free app offers an impressive and stylish design and manyuseful features, such as the park service that never lets youreturn to your car search.Here you can find also information about your favorite shops aswell as a map with directions.The HOFGARTEN SOLINGEN provides Anything that makes shopping into areal experience.
MaiaShopping 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
O MaiaShopping é um centro comerciallocalizado na Maia, que oferece mais de 100 lojas com o melhor damoda, tecnologia, decoração um entretenimento já está disponívelonde quer que vá, em qualquer lugar, a qualquer momento. Sejasempre o primeiro a saber sobre as últimas notícias, promoções eeventos do seu centro comercial preferido.Esta aplicação oferece-lhe informações sobre suas lojas favoritas,restaurantes, estacionamento, bem como um mapa dinâmico com adireção para encontrá-los.Deslumbre-se com tudo o que você pode encontrar noMaiaShopping.Ficamos a aguardar a sua visita!The MaiaShopping is ashopping center located in Maia, which offers over 100 stores withthe best fashion, technology, decor a entertainment is nowavailable wherever you go, anywhere, anytime. Always be the firstto know about the latest news, promotions and events on yourfavorite mall.This application provides you with information about their favoriteshops, restaurants, parking and a dynamic map with the direction tofind them.Marvel at all you can find on MaiaShopping.Ficamos look forward toyour visit!
Parque Principado 1.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
Welcome to the largest and mostcompletecommercial and leisure offer in the Asturias! Welcome toParquePrincipado!In Parque Principado you will find a world full of thebestcompanies, where you can take advantage of splendidrestaurants, 12cinema screens, and a wonderful bowling alley.This free app has a striking design and a variety of featurestohelp you visit Parque Principado in the most convenient andusefulway.This app provides information about your favorite stores, as wellasan dynamic map with directions to find them.Discover new stores and enjoy one of our restaurants.Enjoyinnovative events designed to provide moments of purepleasure.Dazzle yourself with everything you can find inParquePrincipado. We look forward to your visit.Developed by: Research & Design
CoimbraShopping 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
O CoimbraShopping está agora disponível emqualquer lugar e a qualquer momento através de uma aplicação mobilegratuita para que seja sempre o/a primeiro/a a receber as últimasnovidades, promoções e eventos do seu Centro Comercialfavorito.Esta aplicação dispõe de um design apelativo e variadasfuncionalidades que lhe permitirão conhecer o CoimbraShopping deforma cómoda e útil, disponibilizando ainda informação sobre assuas lojas preferidas. Descubra um centro comercial sempre perto desi com 64 lojas ao seu dispor, onde se incluem diversosrestaurantes numa acolhedora praça de restauração e o hipermercadopreferido dos Conimbricenses.Ficamos a aguardar a sua visita!CoimbraShopping is nowavailable anywhere and anytime via a free mobile application toalways o / first / yy receive the latest news, promotions andevents on your favorite mall.This application offers an appealing range of features that allowyou to meet CoimbraShopping a convenient and useful way, evenproviding information on their favorite design shops. Discover ashopping center always near you with 64 stores to choose from,which includes several restaurants a cozy food court and requestedthe hypermarket Conimbricenses.We await your visit!
River Plaza Mall 1.4
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
With nearly 100 stores and restaurants, RiverPlaza Mall is the ideal location with bold architecture.It hosts local, national and international brands, in a perfect mixon 5 floors.Be the first to know about River Plaza Mall promotions and events,with the help of the mobile application.Learn everything you want about River Plaza Mall using the mobileapp.You are welcome to visit River Plaza Mall.Cu aproape 100 de magazine si restaurante, River Plaza Mall estelocatia ideala cu o arhitectura indrazneata.Gazduieste branduri locale, nationale si internationale intr-unperfect mix pe 5 etaje.Fiti primul care afla noutati despre promotiile si evenimenteleRiver Plaza Mall, cu ajutorul aplicatiei mobile.Aflati tot ceea ce doriti despre River Plaza Mall, folosindaplicatia mobila.Va asteptam sa vizitati River Plaza Mall.
Plaza Mayor 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
Welcome to Plaza Mayor.Plaza Mayor makes available to its visitors, the largest and mostcomplete offer in entertainment and fashion.Plaza Mayor has at its disposal a large number of shops andrestaurants, 20 cinemas, family areas and events, making it thebest destination to shop, dine and enjoy the Province ofMálaga.This free app has a striking design and a variety of sections tohelp you visit Plaza Mayor in an easy and simple way. This Appgives you information about your favorite stores and restaurants aswell as a dynamic map where you can find them.Discover and enjoy its shops and restaurants. Have fun with eventsthroughout the year are held.We hope your visit.Developed by: Research & Design
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
AlgarveShopping is as shopping centre fashionand fun. 128 stores with the best fashion, technology, services andentertainment is now available wherever you go-­anywhere, at anytime. Be always the first to know about the latest news, promotionsand events from your favorite shopping centre.The free of charge App has an eye-catching design and a variety offeatures to help you visit AlgarveShopping in the most convenientuseful way. This application offers you information about yourfavorite stores, such as Zara, Fnac, C&A, H&M or Cineplace,as well as a dynamic map with directions to find them.Discover the new stores and indulge in one of our restaurants.Leave your car freely in our car park while watching your favoritemovie. Enjoy the Innovative events designed to provide moments ofpure pleasure. Dazzle Yourself with everything you can find onAlgarveShopping. We look forward to your visit.Developed by: Research & Design
Norteshopping 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
NorteShopping is the greatest shopping Centerin the north of the country, opened since October 1998, with uniquearchitectural features inspired in the industry.With this free application you can visit NorteShopping anywhere andanytime and receive the latest news, promotions, events andexhibitions of the Shopping Center of your choice.This application has several features that allow you to accessNorteShopping in a convenient and useful manner, offeringinformation about your favourite stores, through a dynamicdirectory with paths that allow you to find everything you arelooking for.NorteShopping has 271 stores at your disposal, gathering severalbrands of national and international renown. There are over 30restaurants, 8 screen cinemas, with a VIP room, an Information DeskService, Valet parking, Children's Playground, Health & FitnessClub, a Cultural Center with exhibitions of new artists and variousfree Customer services.Visit NorteShopping, now even closer to you!Developed by: Research & Design
Münster Arkaden 1.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
The MÜNSTER ARKADEN – the shoppingdestinationin the heart of Münster’s city center –is now available wherever you go – anywhere and anytime! Bealwaysthe first to know about the latest news, promotions andevents fromyour favorite shopping centre.The free of charge App comes with an impressive and stylishdesignand a lot of useful functions, such as parking space service,whichguides your way to your car.Besides the App provides information about your favorite shops,suchas SATURN, Zara or Thalia as well as a floor map withdirections(animated route guide).MÜNSTER ARKADEN offer everything that makes shopping arealexperience.
RioSul Shopping 5.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
O RioSul Shopping é um Centro Comercial com140 lojas distribuídas por 2 pisos, 18 restaurantes, 1hipermercado, uma esplanada, um parque infantil e estacionamentogratuito.Venha desfrutar do RioSul Shopping em família e com toda atranquilidade, usufruindo de um conjunto de serviços práticos eacessíveis a todos, dos quais destacamos o Ponto de Informações,Cheque-Prenda, o Fraldário, Carrinhos de bébé e Cadeiras derodas.RioSul Mall is a shoppingcenter with 140 shops spread over 2 floors, 18 restaurants, 1hypermarket, a terrace, a playground and free parking.Come enjoy RioSul Shopping with family and all the tranquility,enjoying a range of practical and affordable services to all ofwhich highlight the Info Point, Gift Voucher, the Comfort station,prams and wheelchairs.
Colombo 4.41.5
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
A revamped app to have Centro Colombo even closer to you.
ArrábidaShopping 4.41.5
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
A revamped app to have Arrábida Shopping even closer to you.
Plaza Mayor 4.41.4
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
Enjoy your experience at Plaza Mayor like never before with thisnew app.
GranCasa 4.41.4
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
Enjoy your experience at GranCasa like never before with thisnewapp.
NorteShopping 4.44.4
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
A revamped app to have NorteShopping even closer to you.
Vasco da Gama 4.43.0
Sierra Portugal, S.A.
A revamped app to have Vasco da Gama Shopping even closer to you.